Preparatory work to ensure the smooth operation of facilities, peak loads in the winter period, required for all energy producing and energy supplying organizations in the country.Our company in accordance with the schedules was completed all the scheduled repairs of main and auxiliary equipment, buildings and structures. Confirmation of this was the acquisition the main document – the certificate of readiness for the autumn-winter period 2016-2017

The passport of readiness for the autumn-winter conditions issued by the Committee of atomic and energy supervision and control of the Ministry energy of Kazakhstan.

The passport of readiness is the result hard work by the whole team of EK REC. Timely and complete preparation for the autumn-winter period is the main condition for reliable energy supply of consumers.

With the Passport, the power industry does not end there. This document is only a permit to work in the most critical time, when the uninterrupted power supply directly affects the quality of life and comfort of consumers.

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    • Усть - Каменогорск, ул. Железнодорожная 92 г. Шемонаиха, ул. Сопочная, 28
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    • Семей, ул. Каржаубайулы 243а с. Таврическое
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    • Курчатов, ул. Красноармейская 14 г. Риддер, Островского 92
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    • с.Курчум, ул. Ибежанова 1 с. Меновное, пер.Шоссейный 38
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    • с. Калбатау, ул. Алимбетова 2 г. Зайсан, ул. Панфилова 12
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