All information on the procurement of the Fund


In the implementation of policies to improve the procurement of subsidiaries and associates and to increase transparency and openness, the Fund "Samruk - Kazyna" operates a new free information resource procurement 

This resource is a unified information platform which is located in the on-line the most current and objective information about the procurement of the Fund: Group Kazakstan Railways, KazMunaiGas, Kazatomprom, Samruk -Energy, etc.

The module "Procurement" site contains listings held or the purchases, tender documentation, autopsy protocols and summarizing, as well as other information accompanying the procurement procedures of the Fund for all procurement methods: one source, open tender inquiry of price offers, etc.

Now providers no longer need to screenings of more than 200 sites of the Fund.

Only on this site in the module "Plans", is available for viewing consolidated need more than 240 companies of the Fund totaling more than 3 trln.tenge and about 375,000 positions in goods, works and services. It is also possible to download the annual and long-term plans of the Fund.

By a unique code directory Uniform nomenclature of goods, works and services (EHC TRU) for a few seconds is possible to get information on items of interest to the goods, works and services.

If necessary, on the mailbox will be informed immediately (direct distribution) carried on or planned procurement with the description of the company name, date and place of procurement prices.

The portal offers a lot of other interesting and useful information on the procurement of the Fund registries bona fide suppliers, domestic producers, regulations on procurement, etc.

We invite you to register and join the ranks of Portal users.


  • Усть-Каменогорский РЭС Шемонаихинский РЭС
    • Усть - Каменогорск, ул. Железнодорожная 92 г. Шемонаиха, ул. Сопочная, 28
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    • Семей, ул. Каржаубайулы 243а с. Таврическое
  • Прииртышский РЭС Риддерский РЭС
    • Курчатов, ул. Красноармейская 14 г. Риддер, Островского 92
  • Курчумский РЭС Левобережнвй РЭС
    • с.Курчум, ул. Ибежанова 1 с. Меновное, пер.Шоссейный 38
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    • с. Катон, РЭС с. Кокпекты, ул. Кабанбай Батыра 96
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    • с. Калбатау, ул. Алимбетова 2 г. Зайсан, ул. Панфилова 12
  • Бородулихинский РЭС Глубоковский РЭС
    • с. Бородулиха, ул. Подстанционная 1 п. Глубокое, ул. Степная 148
  • Бескарагайский РЭС Большенарымский РЭС
    • с. Бескарагай, ул. Жабаева 60 с.Улкен Нарын, ул. Алтайэнерго 3
  • Абайский РЭС Аягузский РЭС
    • с Караул, ул. Ораз-Кутжан 1 г. Аягуз, ул. Нугманова 67