On may 25-26 at the Central training ground of JSC "EK REC" have passed competitions  crews on repair and operation of distribution networks. Professional skills and skills demonstrated 5 teams: Taurichesky RES, Semey RES, RES Urjar, Zaisan RES and Kurchum RES.

In the course of events was verified by theoretical and practical knowledge of safety rules and operation of electrical installations, rendering first aid. The most spectacular moments of the competition, steps were to liberate the victim from the action of electric current on a support overhead lines with voltage of 10kV, replacement wire VL-10kV, fire in the transformer. Senior judges and judges of stages were made by employees management of the trust control and labor protection and technical departments JSC "EK REC".

The purpose of such events – increasing the professional level of employees, exchange of experience between employees of different departments and as a result the security when performing work in electrical installations and improving the quality power supply consumers of East Kazakhstan region. The competition was held with the support LPO "trade Union organization of the East Kazakhstan electrical networks".

According to the results of 1st place won the team of the Taurichesky RES, 2nd place went to the team of Semey RES, 3 place – team of the Urdzharsky RES. Following the results of competitions winners were awarded with diplomas and valuable prizes.

JSC "East Kazakhstan regional energy company" carries out activities of transmission and distribution of electricity in its network and serves the territory of the East Kazakhstan region. The company distributes electricity in 15 districts, 10 towns, 872 towns and villages. The network length of the company is 35 000 km  JSC "EK REC" - one of the largest energy transmission companies in Kazakhstan. Reliability of network management and operation of the equipment ensures that the production personnel  JSC "EK REC", the number of which 2900 employees. The total number of staff – 3100 employees.


  • Усть-Каменогорский РЭС Шемонаихинский РЭС
    • Усть - Каменогорск, ул. Железнодорожная 92 г. Шемонаиха, ул. Сопочная, 28
  • Тарбагатайский РЭС Урджарский РЭС
    • с. Акжар, ул. Косман Нуракжанулы 4 с.Урджар, ул. Шынгожа Батыра 109
  • Семей РЭС Таврический РЭС
    • Семей, ул. Каржаубайулы 243а с. Таврическое
  • Прииртышский РЭС Риддерский РЭС
    • Курчатов, ул. Красноармейская 14 г. Риддер, Островского 92
  • Курчумский РЭС Левобережнвй РЭС
    • с.Курчум, ул. Ибежанова 1 с. Меновное, пер.Шоссейный 38
  • Катон-Карагайский РЭС Кокпектинский РЭС
    • с. Катон, РЭС с. Кокпекты, ул. Кабанбай Батыра 96
  • Жарминский РЭС Зайсанский РЭС
    • с. Калбатау, ул. Алимбетова 2 г. Зайсан, ул. Панфилова 12
  • Бородулихинский РЭС Глубоковский РЭС
    • с. Бородулиха, ул. Подстанционная 1 п. Глубокое, ул. Степная 148
  • Бескарагайский РЭС Большенарымский РЭС
    • с. Бескарагай, ул. Жабаева 60 с.Улкен Нарын, ул. Алтайэнерго 3
  • Абайский РЭС Аягузский РЭС
    • с Караул, ул. Ораз-Кутжан 1 г. Аягуз, ул. Нугманова 67