Round table meeting


In the East Kazakhstan region has 15 post-secondary educational institutions that train specialists in the field of energy. However, training , whatever quality it may be impossible without practice . It is not a secret that the biggest company that can provide practical training for the students of Power EKR is JSC " EK REC ".

However, despite this situation , the relationship of our company and the schools do not always add up smoothly. The reason for that - the lack of clearly defined measures for cooperation. After a field trip for students - only one point of interaction. Equally important is staff training colleges and the ability to conduct classes on training grounds and in classrooms, which the enterprise . However, this is still not all the questions that JSC " EK REC ", as the leading energy shots , would like to solve. These solutions company assumed because the management has a clear understanding of the level of education in the field of energy depends not only on the institutions themselves , but also from the major energy market participants .

That's why on October 17 in the conference room of JSC " EK REC " in Ust -Kamenogorsk, a round table with the participation of the company's management and the heads of all post-secondary educational institutions of the region . The idea of ​​holding such a meeting belongs to the head of the Office of Human Resources Solovevoj Svetlana Mikhailovna with ULE Branch NEPK "Union " Atameken "in the SAI . This is not surprising , since it was in the Office of Human Resources are turning representatives of colleges and students with a question about an internship . In this appeal is not always " correctly " and in a timely manner . In order to regulate the interaction and solve a number of important issues , and held such a " gathering ."

Event was opened by the Chairman of the Management Board of JSC " EK REC " Askar Seitzhanovich Balabatyrov . He told the directors of educational institutions on the state of modern Kazakh Energy and explained the need for full cooperation . Next were: Vice Chairman of the Board for the development of JSC " EK REC " Tlek Islambekovich Aydabulov , head of the Office for the reliability and safety Vladimir Malyshev , Managing Director of the Regional Alpiev Erbolat Sayfollanovich . The significance of the meeting said the expert and consultant on professional education branch ALE NEPK "Union " Atameken " in EKR Bisikenova Rose Kudaibergenovna . Closed the event Solovyov Svetlana .

The meeting was able to discuss many sensitive issues that troubled as JSC " EK REC " and the educational institutions themselves . This and the above practice , and forecasts of demand for certain specialists , colleges and cooperation in a number of moments with areas of electrical networks, as they say, in the field. The latter is particularly important, as most of the schools are in rural areas .

The meeting resulted in the signing of the Memorandum between the JSC " EK REC " and colleges . His goal - to further growth and strengthening the quality of educational services and the provision of qualified personnel in the field of energy.

The memorandum clearly defined the following points :

- The development of partnerships for training qualified personnel for the energy industry based on the colleges;

- The organization of pupils on the basis of the enterprise for the production practices ;

- A joint vocational guidance in order to ensure energy companies qualified personnel ;

- The organization of conferences, seminars and other activities related to the areas of joint cooperation ;

- Development of computer programs for testing and validation of knowledge -based colleges;

- Occupational health and safety , the environment , in accordance with international standards.

This Memorandum of Understanding , among other things , is an important indicator of social responsibility JSC " EK REC ".

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