Attention of the population

Summer – a season when danger of defeat by an electric current among the population increases. It is connected with departures on rest, vacation of children and activization of civil work. The principal cause of accidents is  in non-observance of security measures near to air-lines of electricity transmissions and an electric equipment.

Prominent feature of an electric current is  latent danger:  it is impossible to see, hear, feel  smell an electricity. For this reason approach to electroobjects, despite protections and warning signs, in certain cases does not cause in people of fear.

The joint-stock company "East Kazakhstan regional power company" asks inhabitants to be careful near to electric mains and transformer substations.

According to electrosecurity rules, it is categorically forbidden:

- To erect any constructions, to store fire wood, hay, to kindle fires, to start kites under wires of air-lines;

- To fish in a security zone of air-lines;

- To play close in territory of electric substations, transformer points, under wires of air-lines;

- To rise on support of air-lines, to break insulators, to throw over wires any subjects or a wire;

- To approach to the torn off wires in distance 8 metres closer;

- To come into premises of substations, transformer points, switching centres;

- To rise on trees if near to them there passes an air-line;

- To get the subjects which are on territory of electric substations;

- To come nearer to the sagged wires of air-lines;

- Independently to repair electrodevices and house electroconducting;

- To overload household networks is leads to short circuit and fires;

- To touch electro devices with wet hands;

- To touch the bared wires;

- As safety locks to use not calibrated fusible inserts;

- To use automatic switches with the overestimated rated current.

The special attention should be turned on warning posters on an electric equipment and support of air-lines: «be careful - a high voltage!» - a yellow triangle with a lightning and a sign «DO NOT GET – WILL kill».

In case of wire break air line a so-called step voltage, therefore, is forbidden to approach the place of the circuit at a distance less than 8 meters. If the wire is noticed too late,you should move away from this, without lifting the feet from the ground and creating a gap between the feet.

After a strong wind that caused the breaks on overhead power lines, parents should not let their children play outside without supervision until the full elimination of accidents.

In case of electric shock you must immediately inform the dispatcher of the power grid at the phone number provided on the housing or the door of KTP substations, as well as the ambulance number is 103 or in an emergency by calling 112.

If  You find an open wire overhead lines, please immediately notify in emergency number 112 or the Manager district of electrical networks.

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