The reliability of power supply in East Kazakhstan region increased by 15 %

JSC "East Kazakhstan regional energy company" carries out repair campaign for preparation of main and auxiliary equipment for the autumn-winter period of 2016-2017.

JSC "EK REC" in the framework of the investment program in 2016 implements the work in the amount 3,6 billion tenge. The funds will be spent on construction, modernization and reconstruction of power lines and substations, repair of power equipment, buildings and structures, as well as introduction automated system commercial accounting of electricity. All these measures will improve the quality of power supply, which directly depends on the quality of life and comfort on consumers.

Every year since the spring of JSC "EK REC" carries out repair campaign, resulting in obtaining from the Ministry of energy Kazakhstan Passport  readiness for the autumn-winter period. To ensure reliable power supply consumers of East Kazakhstan region in 2016, is scheduled to repair overhead lines in the amount 2935 km, 101 km of cable lines, 176 substations with voltage from 35 kV and above and transformers 247 and 310  transformer substations, integrated transformer and distribution substations.

For the autumn-winter period, from 15 October 2015 to 15 April 2016, EKR accidents on the lines and equipment of JSC "EK REC" decreased by 15% compared to the same period of the previous years.

Reliability of network management and equipment operation during the autumn-winter period ensures that the production personnel of JSC "EK REC", number 2900 employees.

JSC "East Kazakhstan regional energy company" carries out activities of transmission and distribution electricity in its network and serves the territory of the East Kazakhstan region. The company distributes electricity in 15 districts, 10 towns, 872 towns and villages. The network length of the company is 35 000 km of JSC "EK REC" - one of the largest energy transmission companies in Kazakhstan.

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