At present, the loss of the power supply organization "Shygysenergotrade" close to a billion tenge.From December 2015, the Partnership was filed 5 applications for tariff increase to the Department of Committee on regulation natural monopolies and protection of competition the Ministry  national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan on East Kazakhstan region. In August 2016, "Shygysenergotrade" was the conclusion of the regulator banning the increase in the price of electrical energy.

The situation is aggravated by an increase in trade receivables of the municipal enterprises area, in particular SCE "Teplokommunenergo", SCE "Semey-water canal" and state enterprise "Vodokanal" of Zyryanovsk. Today debts before public utilities  "Shygysenergotrade" exceeds 0.7 billion tenge.

The shortage of funds contributes to the increase in debt to suppliers and transporters of electricity – receivable power supplying organization in front of the Ust-Kamenogorskaya and Shulbinskaya hydroelectric power station is 780 million tenge.

To cover the cash gap "Shygysenergotrade" forced to borrow from banks. Today the debt of the energy supplying organization taking into account payments on loans, more than 1 billion tenge.

According to Vyacheslav Aksenov, General Director  "Shygysenergotrade", financial condition of the power supply organization on the eve of the autumn-winter season is estimated as critical and does not guarantee an uninterrupted power supply in the region.

Delays of payment for the supply and transmission electricity before the energy-producing and energy supplying organizations, threatening penalties and restrictions in the supply of electric power to consumers of "Shygysenergotrade".

Last time the tariff for the "Shygysenergotrade" were increased on 1 January 2015, with a year and a half there has been a significant increase in the prices of goods and services included in the tariff of the power supply organization.

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