"Shygysenergotrade" recommends all customers in the holiday season to take care of payment electricity bills in advance.

The best option is to pay in advance for the summer period. To do this the day before departure, you must pay a preliminary charge which is specified in your account at any point of accepting payments. In addition, you can write an application to temporarily disable the home from the electricity while away from home.

"On the website of the company valid Personal account, which currently has over ten thousand customers. By using this service you can check the status of my account to generate a receipt for payment and transfer of readings  metering devices. In addition, through your Personal account you can pay the bills for the consumed electric energy by means of Bank cards  payment systems Visa and MasterCard," recalls General Director of  "Shygysenergotrade" Vyacheslav Aksenov.

Payment for electricity must be made no later than the 25th of the month following the billing period. Violation of the terms  contract  supply not only leads to the shutdown of electricity, but also additional costs when you connect.

"Shygysenergotrade" wishes all customers a nice summer and a relaxing holiday, and also expresses gratitude to all the consumers paying the electricity on time.

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